dog hiding

Cruelty to animals


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Neglect and violence TO animals

Animal neglect and violence is happening across the globe everyday. It is important to be aware of signs of cruelty in order to prevent it. Animals often suffer in silence – showing civil courage can protect them.

Cruelty to animals

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon that animals are victims of violence

Cat at home

Abuse of animals and domestic violence: an important correlation

There is a prove on this connection – get more details here


What you can do

Cat in the grass

Ways to Prevent Cruelty to Animals

FOUR PAWS' recommendations to know how to spot and prevent companion animal cruelty 

Cat looks a you

Animals should have a safe and good home

Discover our Guides
Gerettete Katzenbabys

If you are a witness of animal cruelty:

Do what you can to stop someone from mistreating an animal. However, be sensible and don’t put yourself in danger!

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