The Loneliest Elephant in the World

An illustrated story of Kaavan's life 


We made it our goal to give the animals at the Marghazar Zoo in Pakistan a new life full of care and happiness. Read more about our mission in Pakistan here!

For 30 years, Asian elephant Kaavan has lived a sad life restrained by chains. His only companion, an elephant named Saheli, died in 2012 leaving Kaavan alone and grieving. 

With the support of the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board and Pakistani community, we want to remove Kaavan from the Marghazar Zoo and take him to a sanctuary in Cambodia. This will be our heaviest mission ever – learn more!

A short illustrated story of Kaavan's life

Here you can read the story as a PDF

Did you know...

  • Kaavan is our 'heaviest' rescue to date!
  • He will be loaded into a custom-built crate onto a heavy-duty cargo plane to make his journey possible.
  • The journey from Pakistan to Cambodia is 4,157 km (2,583 miles) and 7 hours.
  • The combined weight of Kaavan and his crate is around 10.7 tons, which is roughly 20,000 pounds!
Infographic of Kaavan's journey

Please keep supporting Kaavan’s new life!

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