White and grey fox laying in the snow

Moments that made fashion kinder in 2022 and beyond

Through both big leaps and small steps, together we can turn fashion into an animal-friendly industry


2022 Unwrapped

With the holidays just around the corner we wanted to share some animal-friendly gifting tips, as well as look back on some of the key events that have brought us closer towards a compassionate fashion industry in 2022. From big wins to small steps, together we are making a difference!

2022 in Numbers

Almost 60 major brands have now signed FOUR PAWS’ ‘Brand Letter of Intent’ committing to end their use of Mulesed sheep wool, while also calling on the Australian wool industry to end the horrific practice. We’re thrilled to see the likes of Adidas, Hugo Boss and Marks & Spencer joining the fight to protect the millions of lambs affected by the procedure annually.

Which progressive brands have signed on to end mulesing?

Person wearing a sheep mask to demonstrate again Nike's use of mulesed wool

Over 50,000 supporters took action, ran marathons, sent emails and protested, calling on Nike – the biggest sportswear manufacturer, to #EndMulesing! Together we’ll continue to call on Nike to take responsibility for the welfare of sheep in their supply chains in 2023.

The fur-free brands now sits at almost 1,600 member brands! The brands that have become fur free in 2022 include Frasers Group, Dolce & Gabbana, Moncler, About You, Görtz and Parajumpers. The fashion industry has been listening and, for the first time, Copenhagen Fashion Week went fur-free. Winning!

Woman with a poster against fur farming, ECI for a #FurFreeEurope

More than 1,000,000 people already signed the #FurFreeEurope European Citizens’ Initiative calling for a complete ban of fur farming and the sale of farmed fur products in the EU! But we still need your help to get even more signatures. The ECI will go through a strict checking procedure and since not all signatures will be considered valid we need many more to be absolutely sure that the European Commission take action. Sign to speak up for animals and ban fur in the EU for good.

Join over 1 million EU citizens for a #FurFreeEurope

2022 in Stories

Plant Power: Throughout 2022, there has been a boom in the discovery and development of animal-friendly materials. Earlier this year, was established to expand the use of innovative plant-based materials like pineapple waste, cacti, hemp and more. Luxury brands have even been exploring , and inspired by fashion brand Ganni’s commitment to end their use of animal leather by 2023, Bolt Threads kicked off the to get more brands to switch to leather made out of mushrooms instead! That’s innovation baby!


See you later, alligator: Thankfully, big brands such as American Express, and Moda Operandi took positive steps forward this year and have now banned exotic leather! The fight for alligators, crocodiles, pythons, lizards, and many other wild species, will continue into 2023.  

Fur farm rescues: In November, two raccoon dogs, Asami and Emi, along with foxes Skadi, Mala (pictured below) and Samara were rescued from a Polish fur farm and relocated to TIERART Wild Animal Sanctuary, run by FOUR PAWS. Their second chance at life is a timely reminder that millions of animals still suffer for the sake of our clothes. Thankfully, TIERART’s newest residents are adjusting happily to their wonderful new life outside of a cage.

Female Silver Fox Mala at TIERART, Germany.

Stepping up standards: Investigative footage released by FOUR PAWS this year, revealed the barbaric realities of live plucking is still a major problem. As well as highlighting animal-friendly alternatives to down, FOUR PAWS is engaging with key down animal welfare certifiers to strengthen their standards and auditing processes. Good news! Down certifier Downpass, has now committed to include the monitoring of parent farms as a mandatory component of their initiative. Step by step we’re making a difference! 

Austria, Lochen | 2012 06 17 | geese at Pfotenhilfe Lochen

5 tips for giving kinder this holiday season

The holidays are often a time of giving, be that with your time or with gifts! If gifting fashion items are on your list, here are just a few ways to help your friends and family #WearitKind this season. 

  1. Become label savvy! We love organic cotton, linen, recycled animal-free materials, plant fibres such as hemp, sustainable viscose and more. Have a read of our latest shopping guide here and don’t be afraid to double check whether your favourite brands are naughty or nice using the brand directory.
  2. Use your buying power for good. Take advantage of the innovative, stylish and animal-friendly brands that are rolling out alternatives. Why not put a spring in your step with , made from Desserto® cactus or try apple skin leather versions from ? Or pair up with a cruelty-free handbag made from corn!
  3. Know someone who loves the great outdoors? You can shop ‘down-free’ and durable for them at brands like , or who even uses wildflowers and other cruelty-free materials in their high-end jackets.
  4. If something a bit smarter is what you’re looking for then check out the Will’s Vegan Store . Or, if cosy and casual is the aim, then maybe the made from 100% recycled polyester is more up your ally. It’s fantastic to see all the options shoppers now have to choose kind!
  5. Or finally, try the 80:20 rule: Shop 80% pre-loved and 20% new and kind. You may be surprised by the bargains you’ll find at your nearest charity shop. Not only will this be kinder on your wallet, but it’ll be kinder for animals and the planet too.

What a year for animal welfare in fashion! From all of us at FOUR PAWS, we wish you a happy and safe holiday season. 

Man and woman wearing animal-friendly fashion

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